12/27/08 Still here and part two of my first year of UC

still in the hospital been here 2 days and it alwasy seems like I get the one nurse who doesnt know A. how to speak english very well and can't seem to understand my request to how my meds show be given to me and B. My body is adjusting the the amount of morphine it's getting has my pain management.

Remerber how i told you guys that my job was being really shaddy about giving me hours,well i called them last nite about the problem and they gave me the run around about it tell me they were going to call me back. I'm call them ina lil bit see what happens if it's not taking care of i'm going to expose them for the shaddy company.

So i promise the rest of my story so lets get to that part now has the doctor examz me.

I left on month 3 of my frist year with UC.
I call this part of the my first year with UC : The great Depression
So here i have this tube in my ass and life couldn't be better lol. that was my try at humor laugh damn i said laugh. Anyway so here i am in the hospital after my draining of the big pimple thing i have growing on my ass and i'm here crying cuz of the pain,so in try doctor fashion they give me a PCA(you know that machine that despenses Morphine when u hit the button). I'm laying in my bed with my fanliy members on both sides of me mom,dad,sisters ect. The medical team comes in rite and they like oh mr.X we need to pack you wound so i'm like what the fuk are these lab rats talking about.

They turn to me over on my back and ask me to spread i'm like HUH what the fuk! here i am on my back spread open like a turkey on thanksgiving day and they start packing me full of gaza strips and it's hurting like all hell to have this shit put in to my body(it turns out that the wound was left open so that it would close around the tube on it's own) and i'm like fuk you guys this hurts way to much even with all the morphine i'm pumping thru my veins at the time. One of the lab rats was like ohhh i have a great idea lets give him some codine that will help with the pain and me being half drugged anyway was like sure give me some. so have taking this and 15 mins later i'm feeling like a crackhead on an all nite bing of crack and malt liqour.The finsh packing me in like a mule and they walk around giving each other high fives and what not. I passed out after this and dont remeber much of that nite,but here is what happens the next day.

I wake up the next morning feeling really out of my mind i have to pee and take a big number 2 so i think i'm walking to the bathroom when i notice that i have to females nurse watching me . Now what i didnt mention earlier was that i had my new sidekick3 cell phone with me and a portable media player with a couple of movies on it . Here i am with out health insureance in a city hopsital thinking i can trust that no one is going to steal from me ,because i'm special. Was i wrong lol i go to the bathroom and pee and what not .......so i come back to the bed and i have clean sheets and stuff but wait where is my cell phone and media player wouldnt you know it that the nurse stole my cell phone and media and then denied it they didnt touch it.When clearly they had seem me wake up and leave it on the bed,and they MADE THE BED!. Now i dont know about you but when i get mad i get mad especially when i feel like i'm beening made a fool off.

I get really mad and start yelling at these two females nurse,I get so loud that they call the flash light cops to come get me. I tell them what happened these dudes are no help and they were just like ehh all we can do is call the head nurse to report that it has been.(no to cut this short but they just bring me more morphine happy happy joy joy lol im trying to write this in pain) So the report has been made and my stuff never turns up. Moral of this story rite here never never trust ppl when they think your dumb.lol

So back to the good parts of the story , they release me home about a week after getting the wonderful latex tube put into my ass. So here i am a 24 year old man in the prime of life walking about with a latex tube in my ass. At this point in my life i had already lost the one person so i alway thought was going to be there for me no matter what happend in life boy was i wrong about her . Anyway i get home and ok for the first couple of days you know i'm on the pills i'm taking pain stuff ,the only real complain i have is that i start feeling aniexty at nite like the world is coming to and end you know. Hell I start freaking out so badly that i'm sleeping at light with a flash light to keep the evil monsters at bay. Towards the end of Feburary is when times start to get even worse for me and my famliy here i am with all my problems you know having UC,aneixty,depression and just going plain crazy cuz i have no one in the world to love or love me back , and then something happens to my grandma she ends up having a problem with her bowls and she has to go to the hospital. Now mind you i have never been a person not to panic when these things going wrong but at this point my nerves are already fried.

I call this part :The patted room
I go the ER with my grandma ,and here i am back in the same ER waiting room where it all begain 4 months ago i'm here sweating and can't stand still so a nurse see this and asks "Are you already sir" to which i relay yeah i'm ok kinda off. I put my name down on the waiting list of ppl to be seen ......about an hour later i get taken to the back of the er and the lab rat in the white coat is asking me "sir what seems to be problem,what brings you into the er today?" I answer "nothing really i came with my grandma cuz she wasn't feeling to well,so I thought while i was here i mite has tell you guys about the problems i'm having myself with stuff". So i tell him about the aniexty the unable to sleep at nite the way i can't seem to eat(i weight about 100 pounds at this point in my life). The labrat tells me that I might be depressed I say well maybe i never been depressed in my life ....i always been the type to just let things slide off my back like dew on a rose petal or water running off a cold glass of water .

Next thing i know i'm being tossed into a white room with patty walls and being told to wait for someone to talk to me .,....about 3 hours later i have this other lab rat with a degree in human brain reading come into the room and start asking me a million questions about my life to which relay with has much trust has a mob boss on the witness stand lol. She can see rite thru these lies and see the real me the cry for help the sad dried up shell of a man that was deep in my soul. she fiqures i need help with getting my life back together and gives me an appt. at the psyc ward at my hospital of choice and she always gives me some vavlum( mispelled i know). I have never taking a relaxer before ,I'm like this is nothing so pop I take one next thing i remerber is being in my bed half naked.
Now we're in march of 2007 and I'm feeling a bit better i'm have regular vists to the looney bin to talk about my problems with the mind readers and things seem to be getting better slowly be surely i'm getting better with all my problems and shit.

This part is called :The guest who wouldn't go HOME!
So one day I get a visit from a famliy member who has i kid barely ever hung out with and never saw unless it was a birthday party or famliy reunion. So here i have this kid standing in my door step saying hey i'm heer to see you make sure your ok you know see how you doing and what not. So i'm like kool company you know someone to chill with hang out play video games and what not. So this person is like there all day and spends the nite ...next thing i know he is like listen i have to go to work ...but I'll come back tonite we can hang out some more you know and chill and shit i'm like kool your welcome to come back anytime u want.
So he comes backs that nite with a duffle bag of clothes and tells me i'll be here a couple of days you know make sure all is well and ur getting all your meds and to make sure you have someone to go with you to your doc appt. Around this time I really didnt have a steady GF that could go with me to thses things and my mom was busy with my new born neice. So he staied on with us for the next year after this first month. He really was a great person to be around because of him i started to get out more enjoy my life more start really seeing that it's possiable to live with this terrible diease .

April and here comes my bday you know i'm turing 25 the big mid way point to 30. I always thought at 25 i would be married with a couple of kids a wife and nice job and kool pad boy was i wrong ,but my bday at year was great i went out with the guys and my GF at the time to this place in L.I and for one nite i felt like i was normal again like i was just one of them...like life was worth living again. It was a crazy nite with the bowling and pool and games and kart racing one of the best bdays i had in a very long time. I'm glad i went along with it.
After my Bday,things were good for a couple of weeks but then things took a turn for the worst has i had a flare up in my colon and ended up back in the hospital but i'll talk about that next time. Stay tuned for part 3 june-oct 07 in my first year with UC.


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