sunday morning

Sunday morning and i'm still here in monti isn't such a bad place now that think i about it ...i do get free everythat has visted my blog over the last 2 days i need some help with getting to look better has you can see i can't fit in all the pics that i want i really want this site to be more about eveything about games and life and everything that i'm going thru so if any one can help with me making the borders wider or something cuz that seems to be the problem for me rite now is making the borders wider so i can fix in pictures of games when I do the reviews in the future I'm think ing about just doing vidoe reviews of all the games but then i dont know if that's something that you guys would want or maye writen is the best way to go.

doctor just came in the room i love when they come in and saw things like if your blood count get under 25crit(sounds like an rpg term to me) we have to give u a blood trasnfusion lol now that's some funny shit lol.

Anwyaz just want to say good morning to all today seems like it's going to be either a every loomy day or a busy day depends on what i have for breakfast. I also woke up with a weird pain on the bottom of my foot like i been standing up all day. I also need to do part 3 of the my first year and i also need to call work see if i even still have a job. but anwayz let me go work my netflix see if i can get that work on this laptop. later dudes


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