new meds
So I'm here at my doc's apt. Just relaxing when the doc that lab rat feels that I need to try new meds cuz the stuff I'm on isn't work. So they switched me ova to something more powerful.
This is gonna be given thru shots and itd meant to bind with my cells in my colon and make it all better. There is a 30 to 50 percent change that this going to work.I hope it does becuase this is plan b. This doesn't work and I can kiss my colon buh bye u know.
I would love to keep my colon has long has I can you know. Its such a nice I would look good with a shit bag.
Man I'm soo sleepy...had a long nite last nite playing LOTR:battle for middle earth 2.its not a great game not a bad game its just there I guess ill have full review in a couple of hours if I stay awake.
This is gonna be given thru shots and itd meant to bind with my cells in my colon and make it all better. There is a 30 to 50 percent change that this going to work.I hope it does becuase this is plan b. This doesn't work and I can kiss my colon buh bye u know.
I would love to keep my colon has long has I can you know. Its such a nice I would look good with a shit bag.
Man I'm soo sleepy...had a long nite last nite playing LOTR:battle for middle earth 2.its not a great game not a bad game its just there I guess ill have full review in a couple of hours if I stay awake.
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